February 2018 monthly update

Here are updated account numbers as of February 28, 2018.  Each month we review where we are on the path to reaching both our savings goal and our projected future income goal.

Formula = Savings x Yield = Annual Income

Savings:  Total of all savings as a percentage of the total goal
Dividend Yield: Current yield of all tracked holdings (now including 401k’s!)
Annual Income: Expected dividends from all holdings as a percentage of the overall goal (now including 401k’s!)

On to the numbers!

Savings % = 27.03% (-0.66%)
Dividend Yield = 3.18%
Annual Income = 26.12% (+2.52%)

February 2018 progress chart

February was a volatile month for the stock market, and our savings total actually decreased from January.

Do I care?

No one likes to see their balances decrease, and anyone who says otherwise is probably lying.  but as I discussed in the middle of the ups and downs this past month,  it’s a lot easier to stomach when your future dividends are still increasing.

We stayed the course with our normal monthly contributions to both our 401(k) and our taxable accounts and got our passive income amount over 2.5% closer to our goal.

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